Being an End of Life Doula and African American woman, I understand the myths, skepticism, and distrust about End of Life Planning. Our historical events of health inequity, discrimination, and personal experiences with the health care system are contributing factors that cause the avoidance of having the end of life conversation. Incorporating The End of Life Doula Model consists of Three-Phases: Summing Up & Planning, Creating & Conducting a customize vigil, and Reprocessing & Grief, which promotes the end of life dialogue while addressing issues and concerns.
Often the discussion about how we perceive, process, and interpret the dying process comes too late, or not at all. Death knows us well, the sooner we face it, the more grateful we are for living each day and accepting it when it comes. As an End of Life Doula, my passion for guiding others through the dying process extends to everyone, but lack of cultural competency about advance care planning, advance directives and end of life care options demands greater education in minority communities. Death is as natural as life, so why not live life, and be prepared when death ends it.
Enjoy the article below about the impact of End of Life planning as a minority.